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Non-adulterating groundwater sampling system
The R&D Project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) according to a decision of the German Federal Parliament under the funding code IW072066. Responsibility for the contents of this publication rests with the author.
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Short overwiew (longer version in German)
The patented non-adulterating groundwater sampling system protects the aquifer from contact with the chemically altered casing water and enables a depth-oriented, isobar retrieval of unadulterated groundwater samples.
The sampling system consists of two main components:
- a GW-Station that is permanently installed in the well screen of the monitoring wells and creates a vertically separated space that prevents mass transfer between aquifer and casing water and
- a mobile GW-Shuttle for all monitoring wells that docks at the GW-Stations, takes up a water sample under in-situ pressure (isobar sampling) and transports it to ground level.
The system is applicable for retrofitting existing intact monitoring wells constructed conforming to standards.
Literature (in German)
Berthold, S., Börner, F., Luckner, L. (2010): Verfälschungsfreies Grundwasser-Probenahmesystem. wwt 4/2010, S.14-17. (pdf)
Berthold S. (2011): Unerwünschte Strömungen in Grundwassermessstellen – Detektion und Vermeidung bei der Probennahme, Dresdner Grundwassertage 2011, Proc. des DGFZ e.V., ISSN 1430-0176, H45, Dresden, S. 309-312.
Project Group Leader
Dr. rer. nat. Susann Berthold
email: sberthold@dgfz.de
Phone: +49 351/4050-673