Comparative sampling of groundwater
The comparative sampling of groundwater is a suitability test that is mandatory for all accredited institutions (testing laboratories and engineering offices) in
Request info material
Modeling PhreeqC: geochemistry in soil & groundwater PCGEOFIM: montane hydrological program system numerical or geochemical basics
John J. (2021): Modellierung der ungesättigten Überdeckung verflüssigungsgefährdeter Lausitzer Innenkippen. Grundwasser Vol. 25, Nr. 2, S. 155—170
Weber A, Ulbricht A, Müller A, Gessert A, Bil
Special field
Comparative sampling
Dr. rer. nat. Susann Berthold Tel.: 0351 40506-73 e-mail:
Since 2018, the DGFZ e.V., as
Privacy Policy for Participants of a Further Training Course/Event and Comparison Sampling
Information on the collection of personal data
In the following, we provide information on the collection
As a non-university research institution, it is one of the principles of DGFZ e.V. to care for the education and development of young people and, as a non-profit institution, to offer the following o
DGFZ e.V. Dresden Groundwater Research Centre e.V.
The Dresden Groundwater Research Centre e.V. (DGFZ) was founded in 1990 as a non-profit registered association and currently has about 50 personal
Geophysics & Monitoring
Special field
Geophysics & Monitoring
Alkalinity reactor for seawater
The seawater alkalinity reactor was develop