DGFZ home -> Departments -> Research -> Mine Water Management
Mine Water Management
The Mine Water Management project group develops technologies for the treatment of ground and surface water influenced by mining. Development of geochemical and hydraulic safety measures or treatment technologies on a field scale is based on laboratory and pilot plant tests and the use of simulation software.
Current Research Projects
PIRAT-Systems | Energetic Process Optimization and Implementation of Resource Efficient Wastewater Technologies at municipal wastewater treatment plants |
WATERMINER | Spatio-temporally coordinated recirculation and reuse of mining wastewater using the example of an example of an urban mining area |
Completed Research Projects
Mining and Environment in Vietnam | exemplary treatment of mine water on a laboratory and pilot plant scale using the example of a mining site in Vietnam (Vang Danh) |
ProGas | Use of early warning indicators and additives to improve the performance of single-stage biogas plants biogas plants, development of control procedures for process stabilization |
Project Group Leader
Dr.-Ing. habil. Felix Bilek
E-mail: fbilek@dgfz.de, fbilek@gfi-dresden.de
Phone: +49 351 4050 674